When the Prophet Says Buy – BUY!
John R. Talbott, previously a Goldman Sachs investment banker, is a bestselling author and economic consultant. When it comes to the housing market he is also a prophet. When housing prices started to skyrocket in 2003, he published The Coming Crash in the Housing Market correctly warning us that a real estate bubble was forming. Then in January 2006, he called the absolute peak of home prices in the US by releasing a new book, Sell Now! The End of the Housing Bubble. Mr. Talbott, the person who accurately predicted the housing bubble and its bust, now has a new prediction – IT IS THE TIME TO BUY A HOME! In a recent article, Homes – Buy Now!, Talbott simply explains:
He goes on to explain that his conclusion is based on four different metrics, all of which favor buying today:
Bottom LineIf the person who called the real estate bubble and its bust says now is the time to buy, we believe it is time to buy. |
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January 9, 2012